You will discover...
1. How to protect your kids from online predators
2. How to understand the digital world without being tech-savvy
3. Create a new online safety plan for your family
4. How to build connections with your kids so they're more likely to listen to you
5. How to add extra security into your family's everyday life
6. Ways to communicate online safety with your kids
7. Ways to holistically protect your kids online (by giving them both the freedom that they WANT and the safety and security that they NEED.)
8. How to keep your kids safe online while staying SANE

Day 1
Connections Over Controls:
Parental controls can be necessary but they can never be the foundation of online safety. In day one we will go over what it really takes to protect your kids on social media.

Day 2
Holistic Online Safety Foundations:
On day 2 we will focus on foundational online security and safety concepts that will aid in creating a safer social media environment.

Day 3
How to Incorporate TIPSS
With every social media safety and security decision you have to keep these 5 concepts in mind: Trust, Integrity, Privacy, Security, and Safety. On day 3, we will break down what each of these concepts mean in practice.

Hey, I’m Fareedah Shaheed, your Online Safety Educator!
When I started my business online, I knew I wanted to build something that was more than just educating parents on online safety.
My mission is for you to not only get the resources you need to help keep your kids safe (and enable them to keep themselves safe online, too) but to build a platform from which you can grow closer to your young one and create open, transparent, and empowering communication with them.
In this challenge, you will learn the essentials of online safety AND maintaining a beautiful relationship with your kids.
I call this method "holistic online safety" which basically means giving your kids the freedom that they WANT and the safety and security that they NEED!
And I'm proud to say that so far my work in this area has been featured in Forbes, NASA, Cisco, Fox 25, Fox 46, Fox Carolina, Yahoo!, and many more.
So now the question is...are you ready to join the parents holistically protecting their kids online?
How does the challenge work?
Is this a paid challenge?
Is my kid too young/old for this info?
What social media platforms will I learn about?
Join the parents protecting their kids!
Discover the simple yet powerful methods to keeping your kids safe on social media!
Sign me up!